Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rocky Top Tennessee


I remember the sheer giddy I felt as I got off the airplane in Knoxville Tennesssee. I was elated; the months that laid ahead of that moment were full of possiblities, and I could not wait! Walking through the airport, my wide grin probably revealed the my inner goof ball and my over excitement.

Since that first day in the airport (close to three months ago) that grin has remained. I never knew why I dreamed of living in Tennesse, but I think now I do: its awesome!

My weeks and weekend have been full of activities and advetnures. Of course, there is always school and class, but I try not to focus on that so much:)

I love the greenness if Tennessee. It was the first thing I noticed during the drive home from the airport. Everything was so green. Since that day, I have been able to go on a few incredible hikes through the Smokie Mountains and admire all of the beauty.

I love the attitudes of people here. The common phrase of "southern hospitality" seemed liked a joke when I thought about it before arriving. I wondered how people could be more caring and loving than in Arizona or any other place that I have been. But it is true. There is sincerely more hospitality here although I do not know quite how to describe it. I have been told several times, that if I need anything I would be helped, and that has happened so many times. People are willing to open up about their lives and struggles, and that is refreshing.

I love the school spirit! I feel like I am going to a school that people are proud to call their university. Probably about half of the students are always sporting some sort of UTK attire each day. Now I love the relaxed atmmospere at my home university of NAU too, but the change is nice. GO VOLS!

Most importantly, I love the friendships I have made here. After moving around, it feels like constantly since high school graduation, I was really worried that I was becoming too callous. I started to see each four month semester as a fleeting moment that would not matter once finals were taken. I felt myself not connecting with people and experiences around me simply because I knew it would soon come to an end. However, things have been different in Tennessee, and for that I am grateful. I feel like I have connected with so many people and really created a strong base of friends. I love being social and planning little outings and events. I love feeling like I have friends to turn to when I need to be cheered up or listened to.

I have enjoyed this semester even more than I thought possible, and the best is that I have still have one month left!

1 comment:

  1. trust me... you will be coming back to visit! thanks for bein amazing and like I said, you will be the first, amazing missionary in a long time that gets a care package... go vols! thanks again for YOUR friendship and adventuring. much love.
