Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year!

I have been looking forward to this day for the past several weeks, a new feeling since New Years has never been anything all that special. Normally, I stay up until midnight (which got harder this year), watch the Time Square ball drop, bang pots and pans, set off a few fireworks, and then head off to bed (which got easier this year).

Of course, my excitement did not revolve around the upcoming midnight festivities; it revolved around the first of the January, The day that really is not any different from any other day except that it inspires billions of people around the world to make changes in their lives (kind of impressive ah?)That was what I was excited for, to set goals and be prompted to change, to have a day to look back on one year from now and say "look how far I have come". Now the day is here!

This past month, I have realized that I am not happy with the way I am. There are a couple character traits that I have let grow and become apart of me, and to be honest I do not like them. As the reality of this hit me, I tried thinking of ways to improve.

Two weeks ago in Sunday school, Moroni 7:45 was discussed it states:

Contribute to charity, even if on the smallest of scales.. I'm sure everyone has at least on that is close to their heartsAnd charity suffereth long, and is kind and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Could it have hit my every weakness any harder? Then earlier this week I had my Ipod on shuffle and a talk from 2010 General Conference began to play. It was entitled "Charity Never Faileth" by President Thomas S. Monson. He stated:

"I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient.

I have in mind the charity that impels us to be sympathetic, compassionate, and merciful, not only in times of sickness and affliction and distress but also in times of weakness or error on the part of others.
There is a serious need for the charity that gives attention to those who are unnoticed, hope to those who are discouraged, aid to those who are afflicted. True charity is love in action. The need for charity is everywhere."
I believe adding charity into y character would help erase some of the traits I possess that I am not proud to claim. So with all of these inspiring words and resolutions in mind, I hope for the best and press forward into 2013!

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